The FORS Standard defines four basic requirements that a fleet operator of lorries or buses must meet if they wish to become FORS Accredited.
- That a formally appointed, experienced and responsible person is running the transport operation.
- That all regulatory licenses necessary are held.
- That all company policies and procedures are communicated to the staff.
- That all policies and procedures are reviewed annually at a minimum, and any changes implemented are themselves reviewed.
- That a system exists for dealing with and managing complaints and legal action.
- That all staff are qualified, trained and experienced.
- That the company is up to date with industry developments.
- That all policies and processes covering the mandatory requirements of the FORS standard, and the roles and responsibilities of senior management and daily operations personnel are documented.
- That all licenses are checked and verified before driving and reviewed at least every six months.
- That all drivers working for the company follow the Highway Code and pay particular regard to vulnerable road users.
- That all drivers and line managers undergo approved progressive training.
- That all drivers are forbidden from using a mobile phone or other distracting technology while driving and that this is enforced.
- That all drivers are fit and healthy to work.
- That driver hours are managed and monitored through effective planning and tachograph measurements.
- That all infractions are recorded, monitored and acted upon.
- An inspection and maintenance plan for all vehicles and equipment.
- That all vehicles are subject to a daily walk-around check.
- That all vehicles are monitored for fuel use and tyre wear.
- That a minimum of third-party insurance is held for the entire fleet.
- That all Vehicle Excise Duty is paid.
- That vehicles are safely loaded.
- That all vehicles over 3.5 tonnes are fitted with prominent signage to warn vulnerable road users not to get too close, side-under run protection and class VI mirrors.
- That risk assessment has been carried out on the potential for people to fall from vehicles, for vehicles manoeuvring.
- That the most efficient and appropriate vehicles are deployed for each journey and that vehicle routes to sites are adhered to.
- That all specialist goods, waste or abnormal loads are dealt with in the correct manner.
- That insurance claims are reviewed and reacted to.
- That all records are well kept and maintained.